Why You Should Invest In Banner Printing

Of all the many different forms of marketing and advertising opportunities available to business today, from the vibrant digital and social media options, through to the more ‘traditional’ marketing vehicles of printed flyers, posters, catalogues and such, there is one form of advertising that has always been, and still is, very effective – banner printing!

Business banner printing is one of the most effective marketing vehicles for promoting a company brand and its products and services – both in cost and impact!

Custom banner printing enhances your business visibility by advertising and promoting your brand with smart messaging through well-designed and strategically placed banners, potentially increasing both your direct sales and new customer attraction. Here are some of the reasons why your business should invest in banner printing: 

Enhanced Brand Visibility

A well-designed banner will catch the eye of those who view it and bring to their attention your business name and brand – custom banner printing can significantly boost your brands overall visibility to potential customers. Using carefully considered colours and images you can effectively use subliminal psychology to influence customer behaviour – certain colours will evoke specific emotions and reactions in customers allowing you to communicate your corporate message without any other text!

Selecting the most appropriate colours to use in your printed banner will allow you to attract the attention of your target audience. The different size and format options of printed banners also allows you the opportunity to tailor your message for the different environments and placements you are going to use for your banners. Large banners can be displayed in outside locations that command attention from distances both near and far, whilst smaller, indoor banners can be displayed in a number of different locations where they can be easily seen, and both inform and influence customers.

Cost Effective

Another major advantage of banner printing is that they are largely cost-effective. Whilst many marketing mediums can prove very expensive to both create and implement, banner printing is a great investment, especially for a smaller business or a company working with a limited marketing budget. Design costs and printing technology have evolved greatly in recent years which have made the entire banner printing process more refined and far more affordable. The only costs incurred are for the initial printing and production of your outdoor banners, which are by no means restrictive, and once printed there are no ‘ongoing’ maintenance or renewal costs, or advertising space fees required to get the full effective use of your advertising!    

Targeted Advertising

Using customised banner printing you can target your identified target audience directly – target analysis can identify exactly your marketplace audience allowing you to craft exact messages and images for your printed banner to specifically appeal.  You can use printed banners to, not just display a message, but also create an advert that tells a story to your direct target audience, making your banner display relevant and appealing to those you want to reach.


When investing in any form of marketing or advertising you will want a level of longevity of the impact it will carry. Banner printing is ideal for offering a marketing vehicle that can be reused repeatedly and will last. The materials used in banner printing offer this durability over time business banners printed on quality vinyl material are ideal for outdoor advertising locations, such as trade fairs and conferences – they can be printed in any size and easily hung in any location. Vinyl banners can be produced in both horizontal and vertical formats making them ideal ‘backdrops’ at any business events.

Business banners printed on PVC are versatile in that they are suitable for both indoor and outdoor display – they are ideal as advertising vehicles for any location as their weather resistant properties and the fact they can be printed and produced in any size or shape, means your banner is easily customised with whatever design you want and can then be printed and displayed in any location of your choice. Business banner printing on mesh material is perfect for outdoor advertising locations and events.

The millions of tiny holes in mesh banners allow wind, sound, and light to pass through them, making them effective in all weather conditions. Extremely durable, this resistance to the elements makes them an ideal choice for any business, social, or corporate event being held outdoors at any time of year. This durability offered by the different types of printed banner is not just about preserving your physical advertising over a period, but also about preserving your corporate message and image over that time!

Ease Of Production

Custom printed banners can be produced quickly and easily, ensuring that marketing campaigns can adapt and react quickly to ever-changing dynamics and trends. If faced with sudden changes in requirements or tight deadlines, the ability to quickly produce rush orders or last-minute alterations can prove invaluable. The improved printing techniques also ensure that speed of production in no way reduces the quality of the printed banner or diminishes the appearance or quality.

Brand Reinforcement

Advertising banners can be printed with any design or content – this makes them ideal marketing tools to be customised with your corporate image, logo and colours thus boosting your brand recognition whenever viewed – essential for any business! Large banners can attract attention from a distance, making them perfect for roadside advertising, effectively and boldly promoting your business to any passing traffic or footfall.

Easy Installation and Portability

One of the reasons you should employ banner printing is the ease of which the banners are transported and installed – printed outdoor banners are easy to both use and move from location to location. They are lightweight and portable as well as being durable and weather-resistant, allowing you to display them in prime positions at any business event – essential if you are to deploy your banner advertising at multiple events and venues. The compact storage also allows for efficient use of transport and effective space, making the logistics of movement between venues, and for storage when not in use, smoother and cost-effective.

Environmental Benefits

Modern custom banner printing processes and techniques incorporate many eco-friendly practices significantly reducing the environmental impact and footprint of your marketing campaigns. Recycled materials are largely used in the production of banners, and this helps emphasise your corporate responsibility and awareness of sustainable practices of your business – an important factor in customer preferences! The printing processes themselves have made great strides in eco-awareness and responsibility, and eco-friendly inks are used in the production of the banners, along with a focus on reduced waste products from the printing process.   


By investing in banner printing you will boost your corporate visibility and be investing in a targeted, cost-effective marketing tool. Business banner printing offers several advertising and marketing benefits, making them a popular choice of corporate promotional tool utilised by businesses from every arena. As well as adhering to today’s important environmental responsibilities, printed banners are a durable, versatile, and cost-effective advertising medium that can be easily and cheaply customised, as well as being extremely effective in grabbing the attention of all who see them in any location and environment.