A Guide To Brochure Printing

Today, online marketing frequently takes precedence over more traditional methods of printing marketing. But the value of a well-designed, printed brochure, in many circumstances, remains unsurpassed. A physical brochure is a tangible representation of your brand, capable of making a lasting impression on potential customers. Whether you’re promoting a product, showcasing your services, or sharing important information, professional brochure printing can effectively communicate your message and engage your audience.

Brochure printing and production involves more than just arranging text and images on a page. It requires careful planning, thoughtful design, and attention to detail to ensure the final product is both visually appealing and informative. This guide walks you through the entire process of creating a brochure, from defining your purpose and audience to selecting the right format, designing your layout, and choosing a reliable printing service.

By the end, you’ll have a comprehensive understanding of how to put together a brochure that looks great and serves its intended purpose most persuasively. Let’s dive into the world of brochure printing and explore the steps to create an exceptional brochure that will leave a lasting impression.

If you don’t already know your purpose and audience, get defining…

Defining your audience and purpose is crucial when designing a brochure because it shapes the content, design, and overall message. Knowing your audience helps tailor the language, tone, and visuals to resonate with them, ensuring your brochure is engaging and relevant. Understanding the purpose guides the structure and focus of the brochure, whether it’s to inform, persuade, or promote. This clarity ensures that the brochure effectively communicates the intended message and achieves its goals. Without a clear understanding of who you are speaking to and why, the brochure may fail to connect with readers and fulfil its intended purpose.

Planning is everything

Don’t underestimate the power of planning. Getting all the details outlined before you in a list or pictogram will help you figure out the structure of your brochure. Think about your key messages and the information you want to include. A typical brochure structure will usually include:

Cover – Eye-catching image and headline – ensure the image used is utterly cohesive with the purpose of your brochure and on brand. For example, if you produce a brochure seasonally, it can help to use imagery that matches that season.

Introduction – Brief overview of what the brochure is about. This could go on the very first page – the inside of the cover page. Adding a note from the CEO or Editor can add a nice, personal touch and make the reader feel considered.

Body – Detailed information, benefits, and features. This should be in a linear order – whether that’s by date, category or importance. The reader should be lead through the information in a way that makes sense.

Call to Action – Encourage the reader to take the next step. Include QR codes, a link to your website or a phone number so that they can do this easily.

Contact Information – Provide your contact details. Place them somewhere highly visible and provide multiple ways to contact you – whether that’s an email address, postal address or phone number.

Choose the right format and fold

There are a variety of formats and folds when it comes to brochure printing. Select a brochure format that suits your content. Some common formats include:

Bi-fold – Single fold creating four panels (front, back, and two inside)

Tri-fold – Two folds creating six panels (three on each side)

Z-fold – Similar to a tri-fold but opens like an accordion

If you’re looking for a more unique format or fold, speak to your printer and find out what they can do to help create what you need.

Your layout should be where everything starts to come together

Ensure you maintain consistency throughout your brochure, considering fonts, colours, and styles of images. For example, be careful about mixing stock photos with those taken in-house. The styles will be noticeably different and incohesive. All your images should be high resolution (300 dpi) for print quality. Anything low resolution will look pixelated or blurred. In addition to your copy and images, there should be adequate white space. Leaving some space avoids things looking cluttered and improves readability.

Carefully consider content and copy

Ideally, your content should be professionally written. A professional copywriter will ensure all your important points are covered, and the copy is well-versed and flows smoothly. It should include headings and subheadings, which help break up text to make it easily scannable. Bullet points or lists can enhance readability and make the information more simple to assimilate. Any images, icons, or graphics need to support your message cohesively. Lastly, make sure you proofread your brochure for any spelling, grammar, informational or design errors. It’s often helpful to have someone else review it as well.

Selecting a printing service

A reliable printing service will help guide you through what to do next but it should probably look something like this:-

  • Save your design as a high-resolution PDF.
  • Ensure your document is in CMYK colour mode, which is standard for printing.
  • Include bleed and crop marks – these are necessary for the printer to trim the brochure correctly.

When choosing a printing service for your brochure printing, consider factors like print quality, turnaround time, cost, and customer reviews. Many printing services offer online ordering, making the process more convenient. At the end, before printing the full run, order a proof to check for any final adjustments needed. This step helps you ensure everything looks as it should.

Enigma Print and Design – Perfect Brochure Printing Every time

Creating a brochure involves careful planning, design, and execution. By following these steps, you can produce a professional and compelling brochure that effectively communicates your message and engages your audience. We’re here to help every customer achieve high quality brochure printing. Contact us to discuss your requirements and see how we can help you today!